As you can tell I really love to blog. I find it a great way to communicate with parents and they love how they can go online and see what their children are doing in the classroom or at child care.

Yes, please be aware of FOIP and make sure you tell your parents that you are using blogs. (be sure to explain that things you post are always on the World Wide Web)

Further to me using blogs, I think it would be great for children to blog about their days at school. 

Recently I have experimented with "Elf on the Shelf" and I am excited to show the children at my Out of School Care. I have created this blog to keep the parents up to date about our fun over the Christmas season.

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    Jackie Smith

    After attending a conference this weekend, (Nov 2013) I have been inspired to keep up to date with more technology and how I use it in the classroom. Please check out the ideas that I have already used and some ideas if you have used these technology resources in a different way 


    November 2013

